QUIZ FOR: How to Deal with Sadness and Worry (part 1 of 2): Patience, Gratitude and Trust

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1) Which of the following Arabic terms denotes thankfulness and gratitude?

2) Which of the following makes it easier to be patient?

3) A close friend of yours is experiencing sadness and worry due to the loss of his mother whom he was extremely close to. What advice would you give to console him?

4) How is ‘patience’ related to our happiness in this life and our salvation in the hereafter?

5) By putting our entire trust in Allah we demonstrate:

6) The Arabic word for ‘patience’ is:

7) What is true with regards to the situation of a believer in this world?

8) Identify the best way to show gratitude to Allah.

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To go back to current lesson, click here: How to Deal with Sadness and Worry (part 1 of 2): Patience, Gratitude and Trust

To proceed to next lesson and take this quiz later on, click here: How to Deal with Sadness and Worry (part 2 of 2): Establish a relationship with Allah